пятница, 4 октября 2013 г.

Don`t Spoil Nature!

We mustn`t, exactly mustn`t spoil nature!
Who gives us such a right?
We were born by Mother-Nature not to kill her! But, it seems, we are going to...
Before the mines and factories came, and long before we went from bad to worse with our arterial roads and petrol stations and horrible brick buildings, this Planet must have been enchantment. Oh, God! How beautiful our Planet must have been!
But I, and, I hope we all want our children live in a lovely planet. It must be a planet happily compromising between Nature and Man, blending what was best worth retaining from the past with what best represents the spirit of own age!
And we really can do it! We can just not to break off branches of trees and bushes, avoid throwing litter and rubbish about, but put it in plastic bags and take it to the next place where waste is collected... It`s so simple! But if we all will follow these rules, our Planet will thank us!

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